YLM Coaching Requirements
Required Training/Certifications
YLM membership agreed to ....
The requirements outlined below must be in place prior to a team's first regular season game.
All coaches who participate from the coaches box during any game:
- Registration as a coach with YLM.
- USA Lacrosse Bronze Certification Online Classes
- USA Lacrosse membership (includes a background check).
- SafeSport (or equivalent) certification.
- Applicable concussion training.
At least 1 of the above coaches (need not be the same individual):
- Over the age of 18
- USA Lacrosse Bronze Level Coaching Certification.
YLM encourages all coaches to acquire all of the certifications listed above. However, to fulfill the USA Lacrosse Bronze Level Coaching Certification requirement, a coach does NOT need to be directly associated with the involved team. For example, the individual can coach a different age level or serve as the boy's director.
USA Lacrosse Membership https://www.usalacrosse.com/membership
USA Lacrosse Coach Certification program https://www.usalacrosse.com/coach-certification
SafeSport https://safesport.org/
CDC Concussion Training https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/youthsports/training/index.html